Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Drawing in the wind

While at the cottage the weather turned sunny and warm. (about 50 degrees) I decided to take my drawing outside and try to draw the windmill behind the cottage.  The photo turn out lighter than my drawing.  Getting the angles of the building wasn't too bad, but drawing the paddles of the windmill became very difficult as the wind picked up and they started to move back and forth. (They were tied to prevent them from turning all the way around.)  It was nice to enjoy the outdoors, but the wind was a bit much.  Now back to drawing people.

Monday, November 28, 2011


While on vacation I felt a little sadness creep in as I had the feeling this would be the last time we would stay in the Clear Lake area.  We have been coming up to this area for about 10 years over the Thanksgiving weekend to give my husband Tom and our son Tim a chance to hunt and still celebrate the holiday. 

 I used my time to capture a few of the items at the cottage we rent.  The fireplace doesn't work and standing in front of it is a trio of metal sculptured frogs playing in a band.  I always thought they were cute so I decided to draw them.  I was able to use their head as my one unit to place them on my format.  I find it easier to draw from real life than a picture. My main problem is being careful that my light source doesn't change while I am drawing.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I noticed that in my drawings of the statues at the museum that I seem to be avoiding drawing their legs.  So while I was relaxing up north I brought out my little wood model.  One thing I noticed is that his legs don't bend to well.  I guess the larger size model bends better.  Next time I am at Blicks I will check out the larger model to see if they do.  My model is only about 4" tall.
I found that the legs were fun to draw and not that hard.  The next time at the museum if I find an interesting statue I will make sure to include the legs in my composition if they have any. 

It was nice up north as I was able to draw twice a day.  I took my moleskin sketch pad up and worked on my cross hatching shading and drawing items at the cottage which I will post tomorrow.  My next project will be drawing my son in profile.  He has already agreed to sit for me.  I hope I can capture his likeness.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Working on drawing the face in profile.  I will be drawing my son Tim's profile after Thanksgiving.  This will be the first Thanksgiving that Tim won't be able to go up north with us.  I plan on taking my little moleskin sketch book up with me to practice improving my drawing skills. 

I can't wait until I can go back to the museum to draw again and I am also looking forward to seeing the Rembrandt collection.  I wanted to go on my birthday yesterday, but Tom wanted to wait until the exhibit has been open for awhile.  Yesterday was its official opening date.

 I am posting this drawing of Tomato leaves drawn in negative spaces.  I found this so interesting to look at that I think it would make a great way to decorate gift bags.  I am also thinking about doing a few color drawings of negative city spaces to see how they turn out.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lost Art

When I use to draw I mainly drew horses, buildings, trees and flowers.  I alway thought that drawing a person was just beyond me.  When I was at Western I drew a pen and ink drawing of a live oak tree.  I was planning on framing it as it turned out so nice.  My instructor had selected it along with 5 other artist's works to display in the showcase over the next month.  At the end of the month I went to get my picture only to find that of all the drawings that were displayed only mine had disappeared.  I tried to reproduce it, but at the time I was so angry I just couldn't.  Because of moving so many times, water damage etc all my other drawings are gone.  The only other drawing that may still exist from this time was a drawing of a horse I did in pastels I gave my neighbor in Westland.  
I don't know why I stopped drawing back then except that I started studing architecutre and was always drawing  buildings and roadways.  Back then I used an easel in art class but a drafting table at home.  I am excited today as I bought my first easel.  It only cost $25 and is very adaptable and portable.  This should make drawing easier.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Drawing circles and ellipses

The next lesson in the workbook on Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is on drawing ellipses in still life.  I have a picture of my set up, (except that I messed up the cloth when I move the book) and a picture of my drawing. It was interesting to see how the shadows ran on the various surfaces.   My drawing is off in that my tray runs off the page on one side.  I need to watch out for that so my drawings fit on the format that I have.  I was suprise that the hardest thing to draw was the napkin.  I had to redraw it 5 times to get it right.
The next lesson has to deal with drawing a person in profile.   

Monday, November 14, 2011

Detroit Reveiled is a Photography exhibit at the DIA.  The paper used and the develpment processes used in some of the photos I am not sure if they are even available today.  The silver content makes the water and metal look liquidy.  There is more depth in the photoes. One of my favorite is above.  Seeing the bridge from on top of the old station building looks so unreal.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Drawing in the Gallery with Friends

Drawing in the Islamic gallery was hard Friday night.  The lighting was concentrated on the art pieces so the rest of the area was pretty dark making it hard to see what you are drawing.  It didn't help that I was trying my new contacts out and they were bothering my eyes. 
The Islamic gallery doesn't have  statues or paintings of people.  I guess in the Muslim faith they don't believe in having paintings or statues of people.  The exhibit had pottery, mosaics, bottles, tiles, jewelry, swords, remands of rugs and tapestries.  I drew a bottle and an ewer.  An ewer is a pitcher.  I had to look up the term as the ewer looked like it might be a tea pot.  The ewer's metal work was so intercate that I didn't draw the patern because of time constraints. 

 My friend and co-worker Sharon and her daughter McKinsey join me.  They had the same excitement and fun that I have experienced and want to go again.  Which I hope to join them again.  Sharon was afraid to draw a mosaic she loved.  I hope like me she will next time give it a try. It was also nice to see a few artist from the last time.  One of them was reproducing the silver scroll work on one of the scabbard on the swords.  It was beautiful.

I am still working on doing a small sketch or drawing each day.  I want to work on my basic drawing skills.  I am going to keep my small sketch pad and pencil with me so I can use whatever opportunity comes my way.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Back to the Drawing Board

I use to draw and even took an art class when I was at Western.  When I made the move to study architecture I lost some of my drawing skills.  Drafting is so rigid and structured.  I now wish I had gone for a liberal arts degree in art instead. Don't know if I would have made a living from it but I would have learned so much...

I recently got back into drawing with encouragement from my sister-in-law Jane, (Thanks Jane!) In January she recommended a book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  I have enjoyed going threw the lessons.  One of my favorites was drawing an orange. 

While doing the lessons in the workbook I started looking for classes and other opportunities in my area and discovered the free drawing in the gallery class offered by the DIA (Detroit Institute of Art).  It is held every Friday night and Sunday afternoon in various galleries.  I got to go again last night with my friend and her daughter in the Islamic gallery.  I have met two other artist there, who have been very encouraging.  I am still struggling with finding and using a unit from my subject to use in my drawing.  I am getting better.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Drawing in the gallery..

I found out that the Detroit Institute of Art has free drawing classes on Friday night and Sunday afternoon.  It was my first time drawing the human form.  It was so exciting and terrifying at the same time.  People are walking by as you draw.  I was so afraid that someone might say something negative.  The other artist drawing were very supportive and encouraging.  It was nice to see the various drawing techniques and skills of the other artist.  The class is held in various parts of the museum.  When I saw the statue of the girl bathing I pick the easel behind her as I found the view interesting.  I didn't draw her legs so I could make another drawing of the standing youth.  When I got home with the drawing I was so excited I couldn't sleep at first.  I also kept the drawings out for a week.  It was very satisfying to look at them.  I plan on going back soon.  Next time I need to work on drawing legs.