Saturday, September 8, 2012

Museum Night-Asian Gallery

I got a chance to go to the DIA (Detroit Institute of Art) last night.  On Friday nights and Sunday afternoons the museum places drawing stations in different galleries for patrons to draw.  The bench/easel with paper and a pencil are provided.  The Asian gallery was for adults only and the Medieval gallery was for adults and children.  Some of the sketchers are from the university. It is inspiring to see some of their work.  Some of them will work on a sketch over time.  I don't get to go very often so I only do what I can in a hour or so.  This sketch took an hour.  I didn't work longer on it as I wanted to see the Picasso and Matisse exhibit.  It is a statue of Brahma-Shiva-Vishnu, made of granite by an unknown artist in the late 900's or early 1000's. Brahma is known as the creator, Vishnu as the preserver and Shiva as the transformer or destroyer. You can't see the one side of the statue in my sketch and I don't know which one is which, but I think that this might be Vishnu with Shiva face and hand showing on the one side.

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